Love Nudge Competition. Tuesday: Obsession


Image: Pixabay


Welcome to the second day of Love Nudge, and what a cracking start we’ve had. There’s already been several submissions on the theme of Attractionsome beautiful, sparky, exciting work that gets the pulse racing just to read it.

Do take a look at other people’s writing and visit their blogs – there’s much to inspire.

So, what happens when that initial shiver of attraction tips over into something a bit more needy, something a bit more … addictive?

Today’s Love Nudge word is


Does your protagonist collect the cards their lover gives them, their hair – or are we thinking something a little more … Perfume?

Poetry, prose, elegy, advertising copy, whatever you fancy – pop the finished gorgeousness or a link to your post in the comments box.

Take a look here for the full rules and happy writing.

16 thoughts on “Love Nudge Competition. Tuesday: Obsession

  1. Saw ‘love locks’ or whatever you call them like that at a canal in Prague last year…had never seen that before, and now it appears to be a trend in other, similar bridges I’ve seen. Even one in the Cotswolds! Sorry, not playing by the rules — just wanted to say hi and wish you a happy day and good luck with the contest here! Bill

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They have become a ‘thing’ haven’t they? One bridge over here had to have them removed because the weight of the padlocks was destabilising the bridge! I wonder why people attach them to bridges – why not railings or park benches? Thanks for dropping by Bill. Hope Germany is treating you kindly 🙂


      1. Chewing gum anywhere! I don’t mind a bit of chewing gum myself, but don’t go round sticking it to things. Too many instances of having it all over my skirt at school, I guess. Definitely gross!

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  2. Obsession – No longer able to eat or sleep, she wanders through the empty rooms. Unable to do anything else. Her mind filled with thoughts of him.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Oh, isn’t that so spot on! Distracted is not the word for that moment in a relationship. it’s kind of good it doesn’t last, or no one would get anything done. These ‘obsession’ submissions are bringing back some powerful memories – thanks Dawn 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. The bell rang, but he waited as she collected her notes, her book, and zipped her backpack. It was how he said goodbye each day. But he couldn’t let her leave him again. This time, he chose to follow her.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Woah! So now we’ve tipped over from attraction to full blown obsession – just when i was feeling sorry for the guy. What’s that quote from Silence of the Lambs – something about learning to covet from what we see everyday? Well, he might have been ignoring his studies, but he’s learnt that lesson.
      Love the line ‘It was how he said goodbye each day’ – wordlessly, with looks alone, reading more into her actions than she could possibly be aware of. Could turn out nasty.
      Thanks so much for taking part – as always, love to read your work. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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