Friday Fictioneers : Alone in the place de la ville.

PHOTO PROMPT © Sandra Crook


They arranged to meet outside the mairie, where the brightly flowering baskets hung frothy with bumble bees.

She watched the council officials come and go, the men in their shiny suits, the women with their coiffed, brittle hair and stiff, painted smiles.

As the town hall clock chimed twelve she sat outside a cafe in the square, fingers tapping between the checked tablecloth and her cafe creme.

When she heard the sing-song siren she just smiled, standing ready for the gendarme to handcuff her.

They’d almost made it too.


Written for Rochelle Wisoff-Field’s Friday Fictioneers, the grandest flash prompt flying round the ether. See here to join in and to read the other, glorious tales.


50 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers : Alone in the place de la ville.

    1. Haha! Thank you Rochelle. If you know your time is coming, there are worse ways to face it than with a good coffee in your hand, surrounded by flowers! Thanks for reading 🙂


      1. Maybe the net had been closing and she knew she couldn’t run anymore? And maybe she’s hidden millions somewhere for when she’s eventually released …


  1. I also wanted to know what she had done, maybe she is a master diamond smuggler. Now there’s a story to be told.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think she was something like that – a jewel thief, a white collar criminal draining millions from the bank accounts for big business. Let’s hope she had a great time while it lasted! Thanks so much for reading Michael.


    1. Thanks so much Sascha. Maybe I should ask everyone to supply their own ideas about what she did and we’ll see what the majority think. I was thinking she was a white collar criminal, but she could be a serial killer! 🙂


  2. Very atmospheric. I loved her acceptance. I don’t know what she did but she seems to be a very classy criminal.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! I think you may be right there – that was my thought. He might have been caught and done a deal? Either way, she’ll face her fate with style 🙂


    1. Another move in the great game? Perhaps, though for now she’s caught in check mate I think! Loved your story too – such a great reflection of a changing relationship in such a short word count. Beautifully done

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I should think that whatever her crime was, she was simply tired of running… otherwise, why just sit there and wait.
    Add me to that huge list of frothy with bumblebees fan club! 😉

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