Friday Fictioneers : What was here?

PHOTO PROMPT © J Hardy Carroll


Newt shuffled along the dusty tabletop so Mama could perch next to her.

‘And what was this bit?’ Newt traced the lines on the picture with her finger, the crosscross patterns, the dark bobbles with their raised paint.

‘That was grass, the brown lines are paths. That blue was a lake, the blobs are trees.’ Mama coughed, the sound rattling like dried beans caught in her chest. ‘Let’s go. Dark’s coming.’

As they hurried back to the tunnel and the oildrum fire, Newt tried to imagine Lake, Trees, Grass …

Tried to imagine a world coloured blue and green.



Written for Rochelle Wisoff-Field’s Friday Fictioneers, the finest flash writing prompt you’ll find. See here to join in and to read the other, wonderful tales.



42 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers : What was here?

  1. Sometimes I think this is inevitable 😦
    Calling the kid “Newt” already put me in a future kind of mindset. She advised Ripley to get inside before dark… (“Aliens”) 🙂 Sad your Newt has never seen the world we live in now.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aha! You’re the only person to pick up on that reference 🙂 Yes, both Newts are victims of a new world order – whether it be by global catastrophe or aliens with acid for blood! Thanks very much for reading

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha! I’m sure you’re right about the grass. It’s one thing that makes me feel bouyant about life as a whole, that even if humans wipe themselves out, life in some form will continue. The end of us will not be the end of the planet


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