Friday Fictioneers : The Hollow Girl

PHOTO PROMPT © Russell Gayer

‘How long has she been missing?’ Papa pulled on his boots, his braces still hanging loose, bouncing at his thighs.

‘An hour ago.’ But I was reading up in the attic before that, hiding from my sister, avoiding the grief that hung about her like a shadow. I stared up the hill, towards the foot of the glacier. ‘She wouldn’t go up there alone.’

The old Nancy wouldn’t, but this hollow girl that had replaced her, who drifted like mist through the house since the accident … Maybe.

‘If I’m not back by nightfall …’ The door slammed behind Papa’s back.


Written for Rochelle Wisoff-Field’s Friday Fictioneers. See here to join in, read and comment.

What a happy place to be, back on Friday Fictioneers. And what a cracking, inspiring photo too. Thanks Russell.

54 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers : The Hollow Girl

  1. Dear Lynn,

    So many subtle details like the father’s braces and reference to the accident. One’s left wondering what caused this girl’s hollowness. Wonderfully written.




    1. Thank you Rochelle. I imagined she’d lost someone very dear on that glacier and she just hasn’t been the same girl since. Thank you for reading


    1. Ah, thank you so much Karen. I did think it could expand quite easily, a girl lost on the glacier, perhaps a plain mystery or a ghost story. Creepy places in the dark, glaciers – they make noises! Thank you very much for your kind comment


    1. Thank you Sandra. I have a day off today, so caught the FF train reasonably early. Back to late next week, but I’ll try to join in. Love the ideas these prompts spark

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  2. The Hollow Girl is an exquisite title and image, it sums up a damaged person in one phrase. Excellent Lynn. Happy New Year to you, all the best for the year ahead.


    1. Thank you, Iain. Yes, I liked the title too, makes me imagien some very dark things, which I always enjoy! Happy New Year to you too, Iain. How are the book sales going? Let me know if you’re still up for that interview sometime. You doing a blog tour at any point?

      Liked by 1 person

  3. What a chilling and fitting description, the “hollow girl.” And yes, a hollow girl might do any manner of things that she wouldn’t have in the past. So much sorrow here — and the fear of more, as it sounds like the narrator has already lost someone (her mother, I’d guess) and now perhaps her sister and maybe her father as well. That will be a long wait to see if he comes back.


    1. Thanks Joy. Yes, a ton of loss here. I liked that idea of the glacier, creeping slowly away, gradually taking things – people, happiness, mental health – from the people who lived near it. Was listening to an audio recording of a glacier too – they are never silent!

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      1. I’m going to work it up into a short story, possibly for a competition I have in mind. I do like that idea. Thank you for the endorsement Joy! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Let’s hope things turn out alright for the poor girl. I wonder what took her to the glacier, I hope dad doesn’t get pulled in too. You really know how to build an atmosphere. I felt like I was reading an H.P. Lovecraft story


  5. Is Nancy no more? That is why the hollow girl can move wherever she wants to. One may have to inform authorities, whether Papa comes back by night or not.


    1. Thank you Bjorn. You’re right, of course, that’s the heart of this story. Fun to come in part way through, though, eh? Thank you for reading and the thoughtful comment


  6. Wonderful, descriptive writing, Lynn. I love the details and the hollowness shows perfectly how trauma can rip a hole into a person.


  7. We get so much from your hundred words – the family dynamics, the hollow girl’s despair, the sister’s guilt. I could go on. A gripping story.


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