The Daily Prompt: Never let the sun set

Bed and bedding

Image: Pixabay


‘Never let the sun set on an argument.’

That’s what you said, yet you never could take your own advice. We hadn’t spoken for an hour, well, no more than a ‘pass the salt please’ and a ‘tea?’, though no eye contact was made, no little smile shared.

You went up to bed without a word, leaving me to watch some late night science documentary I’d seen before and hadn’t really been interested in the first time round. I listened to your footfalls on the stairs, the creak of boards a you crossed the landing, the cistern filling after the flush.

Eventually you were quiet and I churned the argument over in my head, beginning at irritated indignation, slowly feeling the stupidity of it, that two people who love each other so much could let such a ridiculous thing spoil an evening.

I crept to bed at midnight, slipped in beside you, wanting to hold you but preferring to sleep in isolation than risk you shrugging me off.

It was only in the morning, as sleep clogged my lashes, as I swallowed the bitter taste on my tongue that I realised you were cold.

That you were still in the same position as you were when I went to bed.

That you slipped away in the middle of an argument. No kind word. No last kiss.


Writen for The Daily Prompt’s ARGUMENT thread. See here to join in and to read the other posts.

30 thoughts on “The Daily Prompt: Never let the sun set

    1. Thank you very much Joy. I do tend to go over the top so often – big stories, big events – sometimes it’s nice to do something smaller and domestic.
      And I truly believe in that saying – never let the sun set on your anger.

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      1. Thank you, Joy. It’s good practice for me to do the small and personal, or I’m in danger of just writing lots of explosions and alien invasions 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s awful, Casey. Truly tragic. I do so hate going to bed cross with someone I love for this very reason. I know it’s unlikely, but sometimes life throws the unlikely your way. We must always ensure those we love know it, musn’t we? Thanks so much for reading

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Wonderful writing Lynn. Shows us especially why we should settle arguments before the sun goes down. Tragic and a feeling she will carry with her forever. An incompleteness over not settling an arguement.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Mandi. Yes, I think you’re right and although we know logically that at their heart the person who’s gone loved us and we loved them, it still will tug forever that we left things as we did. Best not to leave ourselves open to regret and just shower each other with love 🙂 Thanks for reading

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Ooh, I like that idea – ‘the choked voices in the gas fireplace’. They do make odd little noises, don’t they? Someone could almost be stuck in there. Thanks very much Bill and thanks so much for reading 🙂

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    1. Sorry, went for the jugular a bit there. The sad thing is that this has actually happened to people – such a tragic, awful thought. Hugs and kisses – that’s the way to end every day 🙂 Thanks for reading lovely

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much Chris – what a lovely comment. I think I write a little too much flash TBH – should focus on the book I’m writing instead – but the darn stuff is just so addictive. Thank you for reading once more – you’re very kind 🙂


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