What Pegman Saw : The City of the Dead



Mayor Leopold Hare sunk to his haunches, ran slender fingers over the gouges in the concrete. ‘And this happened last night? Where were your Watchmen, Captain Hopkins?’

Hopkins heard the accusation in Hare’s chilly tone but ignored it. ‘On a call. Domestic over on Lafeyette and Third.’

Hare creaked to his feet, turning hollow eyes along the road, to the broken stone slab of the Grandjean Mausoleum. ‘What is that smell?’

He’d noticed it when he arrived – like spent matches and fireworks … Like Hell. ‘Sulphur,’ he said.

Bone dry leaves spiralled in the wind, drifting around Hare’s feet.

The Mayor nodded. ‘I thought so too.’ He tapped a bony finger against his lip. ‘A daemon then? Stealing our citizens? To what end?’

Hopkins could only shiver, only think of the other bodies ripped from their Endless Sleep over the previous days.

Something evil had come to Necropolis.


Written for What Pegman Saw, a writing prompt inspired by Google Street View. Visit here to join in the fun and pen a tale of your own.

Now, who could resist a creepy tale when faced with the Lafayette Cemetery, New Orleans? The sight of those amazing graves – resembling so many small stone houses – had my mind wandering to a City of the Dead where something very bad is happening. A bit off the wall, but Halloween is fast approaching.


The Mayor’s surname was robbed from the ‘Resurrectionist’ William Hare – see here to acquaint yourself with his grisly story.

And the Captain’s name was spirited away from Matthew Hopkins, the 17th Century Witch Finder General. See here to learn more.






35 thoughts on “What Pegman Saw : The City of the Dead

    1. Ah, thank you! Yes, I suddenly had an idea about officers trying to keep the peace in the city of the dead and something hellish causing trouble. Must be the proximity of Halloween, making me thinking creepy! Thanks Matthew

      Liked by 2 people

  1. As the witching period approaches I’m expecting your posts to get even more chilling (or should that be more sulphurous?) — I see you’re off to a good start! 👿ishly good… 😁

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Chris! Yes, I’m leaning that way at the moment – I wrote that ghost story for Walt’s blog, entered an adult fairy tale comp where the story was far more Grimm than Disney, have just written another tiny ghost story … All witching in my brain as the nights draw in! Thank you so much for reading 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Two men talking about a few acts of mindless vandalism and suddenly you’ve sneaked us away to a different world, where the demonic has power in the material world. All too easy to see why people everywhere have dreaded witches and sorcerers. Brrr!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Penny! I could visualise it – the city with its dead, the police officers protecting the sleeping, until perhaps a set date when their set to rise (to add tension and a time sensitive element, o course!) Glad you liked it


  3. Apt, with Halloween just around the corner. Has me shivering. Though that might be the cold wind getting up. I particularly liked the name Hare, and he gets down on his haunches. I thought for a moment he was a hare!


  4. I love your descriptive tales, Lynn. And seriously, where you got your inspiration for the names adds another level of shiver!!
    Fabulous, as per…

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m such an ignoramus, I had no idea what huge books Anne Proulx had written. Will keep an eye out for Close Range – thanks for the tip


    1. Thanks Lish. Glad you felt that worked. I suddenly had a whole new world open up inside my head, with all these possibilities for crimes to be investigated, the peace kept for the dead. Weird what these little prompts can spark, isn’t it? Thanks for reading


  5. Effectively creepy — how very appropriate for the Halloween season! I liked how it started off seeming normal, and then just slides right into the idea that everyone knows about the escaping demons. “Drat, not demons again; my wife will be miffed if I’m late for dinner.”

    Makes me realize that I missed my chance to do something spooky with mine. But ah well, I had Dar on my mind. I also was having a hard time finding an “Eneana-friendly” angle to work with (that didn’t have modern people or other features in the shot).


    1. It must be hard for you to thread some of the prompts into the world of Eneana when some are so very modern! At least this one gave you some scope. Glad you liked my story – my head is just stuffed with the undead at the moment 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You might notice that I don’t do most of the prompts, and that’s part of the reason. I really enjoy the Pegman challenge, because I can almost always find some view that’s “Eneana-friendly.” For most other challenges, I have to find a completely different photo that’s similar in theme, and that takes extra time. And these days, I don’t really even have time to comment on blogs…


      2. I had noticed you often pick a new photo for your flashes – more Eneana friendly, as you say. Time races on – hard to fit it all in, isn’t it?

        Liked by 1 person

      3. It really is hard to fit it in. And yes, I try to be sure that all the photos that show up in my main page are “on message” in terms of my Eneana world theme. Other than a few with the NaNoWriMo logo, it’s worked well so far.


  6. Great concept! These details really took me there: “Hare creaked to his feet, turning hollow eyes along the road,” and “Bone dry leaves spiralled in the wind”. I. Want. More.


    1. Ah, thank you Karen. It was weird, but a whole world just opened in my head – the police officers and mayor who protect the undead on their Long Sleep, the threat hanging over them. Anyhow, maybe scope for more there. Thank you for reading


    1. Thank you Abhijit. By the way, I can’t get you your blog through clicking on your name as I usually do with other bloggers. A message comes up saying your blog is no longer active. Did you change blogs at some point?

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