Friday Fictioneers : A visit to the Widow



The sun was fading as Sal approached the Widow, the crag black against a golden sky. The breeze was chill, autumn coming on before her time.

Producing the flowers from her apron pocket, her voice shook as she spoke.

‘Widow, I bring you rosemary for remembrance of him I lost. Heather for an earnest wish come true. Windflower for anticipation of my dear man’s return.’

Hands quivering, she placed the stems in the rocky hollows, the stone cold and rough against her fingertips.

The breeze blew against her ear like a warm breath carrying a whisper.

Windflower for fading hope … 


Written for Rochelle Wisoff-Field’s Friday Fictioneers. The most fun you can have at a keyboard. See here to join in and to read the other stories.

According to The Flower Expert, heather ‘indicates that wishes will come true’ and anemones (known by some as windflowers) ‘symbolizes anticipation’ as well as indicating  ‘fading hope’.

77 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers : A visit to the Widow

  1. Is it about a lady who is soon to receive the unfortunate news confronting the unfortunate word bracket she is going to fall into ?
    So beautiful, so reined !
    I loved learning the symbolism too. Thanks Lynn.🙂I don’t know what I typed as the screen is blank, as always.keeping my fingers crossed.🙂😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hadn’t thought of that, but you could be right. I confess calling the rock the Widow just popped into my head as large rocks like this are often named and it had the potential to sound creepy! Thanks for bringing an extra depth to the idea.
      I’ve had one other person say the same about the comment box, yet when I go on the site myself what I type comes up. Wonder what’s happening there?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Oh okay . I hadn’t thought about rocks with names. Thanks.
        Yes, it does happen whenever I am over at yours to comment. Perhaps, it doesn’t like me to comment .🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Another blogger has mentioned it but when I go on the site myself I don’t have a problem. I’m looking into it but not sure what to do as I won’t know if I fix it! Not very tech savvy, sorry!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Lynn, it’s only making me a better thinker and type-r.😀😀 Please don’t say sorry as I am really awkward in the technology department.😀
        What matters most is the privilege to read your uniquely exquisite stories.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank Iain. Yes, a fortunate happenstance that I found that in a brief search. It seemed to fot the tale nicely. A warning that you ight not always get what you’re seeking. Thanks for reading

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Certain places hold a sway over religions don’t they? A power. As you say, it’s the same here. The rock has gained significance and importance over time. Thanks so much for reading James

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It confuses me this, as I’ve tried again to comment myself and see it no problem. Have tried to search how to fix it, but not sure how I’ll know if I have when I can’t see the issue from my end. Sorry it’s so irritating


      1. In my story I mentioned “Old Wives Lake.” This gets its name from an Indian story of a massacre, which in time became a legend: the lake was formed by the tears of the old women. (If you’re interested you can probably find it on Wiki.)

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That’s a sad way for a lake to earn its name. But so often this is the kind of event places are named after. Events that stick in the memory of the people who experienced and survived them. Thanks for sharing the story Christine

        Liked by 1 person

  2. What a great interpretation of the image, to picture it as an altar, a place for place tokens of prayer and hope. What a sad answer she received, although I somehow imagine she wasn’t surprised. Beautiful piece, Lynn.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Joy. Yes, whenever I see stones like this, I can’t help but think of the importance they once had in the landscape, for the people who lived by them. Some of the beliefs surrounding such monoliths continued for hundreds of years, right up to the start of the last century. Thank you for reading

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, isn’t it? I’ve roughly mapped out a plot for a novel all about this kind of thing, about a family who uphold the old traditions in a village (beating the bounds, wassailing, opening the back door at New Year to let the bad spirits out) but modernity is creeping on and other villages are letting the old ways slide. But these beliefs have been keeping some old evil at bay and when the lights begin to go out in these other communities, whole towns vanishing, until only our village is left to stop an oncoming, dark tide … Sigh. Another idea as yet unwritten

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Interesting idea! I know what you mean, though — I have countless ideas for the next story, and not enough time to finish the ones I’ve already started!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. You do an absolutely wonderful job with this story describing the features! This is such a sad tale that you worked your magic on – Really – I am so very impressed with your talent!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I don’t think she was,Jane I think there was a tradition of it. And I’m sure not everyone got the answers they would have prefered. Thanks for reading


  4. A very sweet and thoughtful story. Full of good things to read, Lynn. Very edifying. And, of course, you WOULD incorporate flowers (which are always nice). 😉

    Again, sweet job, Lynn. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, thanks Kent. I reminded myself of Hamlet, where Ophelia having lost her mind, hands flowers to the assembled cast. ‘Rosemary for remembrance’ when she is forgetting who she is. Thanks for reading


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