What Pegman Saw : Bloody Meadow


The snow was falling harder, building on the frozen ground, settling on shoulders.

‘There was a vision,’ said Tom.

Davy hunched lower. Flakes fell on the back of his neck, a cold serpent of meltwater trickling down his back.

‘An angel,’ said Tom, ‘a bright torch of hope in her hand. A sign of our victory.’

Davy adjusted his cap but the flakes kept falling. ‘Do you have a crust? My gut’s afire.’

‘Did you not hear me?’

Shaking his head, a drift of snow dropped from Davy’s cap into his lap. ‘God’s bones, I shall freeze before an arrow’s shot. Tell me, could the lady not be for our enemies encamped over the brow of the hill?’


‘Could it not be the Lord of Flies promising a swift death and a short drop below?’

Tom stared at his hands.

‘Believe in iron and your wits. And pray the Lord take you.’



Written for What Pegman Saw, the prompt that uses Google Streetview as its starting point.

I saw the sculptures of the soldiers led to war by some seemingly supernatural bugler and recalled similar medieval instances – visions and portents of victory or supernatural protection. Strange that despite this supposed protection, hundreds of men would still die …

And the snow? Well, the medieval battle that always sticks in my head is the Battle of Towton, fought during the Wars of the Roses. Supposedly the bloodiest battle ever fought on English soil, it was fought in a blizzard on Palm Sunday 1461. The site of the battle was afterwards dubbed Bloody Meadow.



16 thoughts on “What Pegman Saw : Bloody Meadow

    1. Ah, thanks so much for the kind comments, Kelvin. Weird where the images take you, isn’t it? My brain is often in the past or in a fantastical world – it just bends the prompts to fit what it sees! Thanks for reading

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much. Glad it came across as believable. I almost wish the second guy had his faith – perhaps it’s easier charging into battle when you believe someone is watching over you. Ta for reading


  1. Great little scenario, this dialogue between the one looking for portents and the one severely pragmatic. Those medieval legends fed through to the 20C too: Arthur Machen wrote a WWI story about the ‘Angel of Mons’ which he asserted was pure fiction, but it didn’t stop veterans of the battle asserting the angelic vision actually happened and was witnessed.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Chris. Yes, while I was checking some of my facts I stumbled upon a few similar WWI stories. Though I note that several of the websites that repeat sightings of ‘Angels’ at Mons don’t mention Machen’s story, only supposed later sightings – and so the legend is continued for a hundred years! Thanks so much

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  2. Dear Lynn,

    Once more you’ve put me in the scene with your stunning descriptions. I felt the cold water running down my own neck. Great build of tension…the fear is tangible. Well done as always.



    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Rochelle. Frightening to think what went through men’s minds at such moments, isn’t it? The suffering they went through. So glad you felt it worked. Thanks again


    1. Thank you Penny. Yes, I was worried because it’s not a complete story at all, is it? Just a snippet of conversation. Any how, it was what came out when I searched the image, so. Thanks so much for reading


      1. It’s hard to know what to call it if you don’t call it a story! Yes, it’s ‘just a snippet of conversation’ but it has as much forward momentum as it would have with a plot, doesn’t it? Especially with that wonderful last line!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you so much for saying so. And I’m so glad you liked that last line – it took me a while to come up with it and I started with something weaker but knew it needed something more to end on. Glad you felt it worked

        Liked by 1 person

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