Three Line Tales: Just like King Kong


three line tales week four, photo writing prompt

Photo by Alyssa Smith


 ‘You know perched here, looking over the city, I feel like I could clamber up the side of the New Yorker, hop up onto the Empire State and grab that rainbow – wouldn’t that just be amazing?’ she said.

A glob of mustard hung from his lower lip, nuggets of burger glistening in his teeth as he said,  ‘Like King Kong you mean?’

She eyed his bare forearms, the thick mats of black hair. ‘Yeah – just like King Kong,’ she said.


For Sonya’s Three Line Tales, a photo-prompt fiction challenge to complete in just three lines. Take a look at Only 100 Words for the full rules and have a go yourself.




43 thoughts on “Three Line Tales: Just like King Kong

    1. Great fun, this prompt. I think it’s helping my little grey cell’s creativity, too, to have to come up with a short story quickly. Really enjoying it, thank you. Glad I made you laugh 🙂

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      1. Glad you liked the photo. I have to put the brakes on myself, I’d just use NYC shots if it were up to me… But I thought this was a good one, what with the rainbow. And hooray for the brain workout 🙂

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    1. Thank you, you’re a love. We’ve all met blokes like this, haven’t we? I was trying to emphasise how mismatched they are, her dreaming of catching rainbows and he a bit of a slob. Made the poor man rather more disgusting than I intended. 🙂

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    1. Yeah, I have a feeling the relationship isn’t going to go on for much longer. She wants rainbows and he wants burgers between his teeth – they’re incompatible. Thanks for reading 🙂


      1. I just felt a bit guilty after I’d written the story – no one’s two dimensional and even the most irritating person usually has some redeeming features. Usually 🙂

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      2. You’re right, as usual. We’re supposed to be learning to love everybody on the planet, and yet I put that guy down as a potential wife beater as soon as I read the story – talk about judgemental!

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      3. Some people are very hard to love, though – I’ve come across three or four just coming home on the bus today! There’s me being judgemental now 🙂

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