Friday Fictioneers : If I could cast a magic spell

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot


If I could cast a magic spell I would not wish for doubloons nor gems large as apples, heavy as the ice that seals our well these bitter mornings past.

Ermine and mink, rivers of silk and satin hold no glamour in my heart. I seek no fortune or renown or any home outside our shuttered cottage, its mossy thatch, the scent of tallow and our lowing beasts.

The only spell I crave is to be made as stone, a sculpted woman with no flesh heart beating in its bony cage.

Perhaps then I should miss you less.


Written for Rochelle Wisoff-Field’s Friday Fictioneers. See the pic and write a tale. See here to share and read the other stories.

I struggled a bit with this one. Then I saw the back of that impressive sculpture in the foreground and thought of being turned to stone.

Apologies in advance. Due to work commitments I’m very late to the party and doubt I’ll Be able to read many other posts before FF comes round again. Sorry if I miss reading your story and many thanks if you take the time to read mine.




46 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers : If I could cast a magic spell

  1. Oh my goodness, Lynn. I read your piece with increasing delight. It is literally word-perfect: the pathetic, agonizing wish to be a woman of stone, the heart in the bony cage, the tender detail of the tallow and the lowing beasts. Fabulous. Massively emotional writing. And I love the title too.


    1. Ah, thank you Jilly. So very kind of you. It’s a sad wish, isn’t it, to be made into something unfeeling? But occasionally that feels easier than going through all that pain. Thank you so much for your kind words


    1. Thank you dear Jane. This one flowed while some trickle 🙂 I just felt her grief, that desire to be free from pain for a while. We’ve all been there, eh? Thank you x

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